Using Imagery as a Stimulus for Pole Dance Choreography

Using Imagery as a Stimulus for Choreography

I’m currently reading “The Creative Habit” by Twyla Tharp, a well-known modern Dance choreographer who is an inspiration to many dancers. The book is a great read so far so I highly recommend it. Through reading this book I have thought a lot about how

Pole Dance Improvisation

Pole Dance Improvisation

The great thing about improvisation is that there are no rules, unless you create the rules yourself. The only time I give myself set instructions is if I want something specific from it like only using the area around the pole if I am trying

Rehearsing with the Right Pole

Rehearsing with the Right Pole

This week has been an interesting one when it comes to pole because I was rehearsing for a pole performance on an x stage lite. Normally I train / rehearse at home or in the pole studio, but the studio I go to doesn’t have

Repeating a Pole Dance

Repeating a Pole Dance

This week I have been rehearsing an old dance work (created within the last few months) that I would like to perform again. The urge to perform this particular piece got me thinking about how pole dancers rarely show the same work twice and I

Pole Dance History and Development

Pole Dance History and Development

There is much confusion about where pole dance stems from so I thought I would share my research, originally posted on, so that it could help some of my lovely readers get to know more about the origins of their passion. Due to limited

Too Many Pole Videos

Too Many Pole Videos

Instagram is the place to be if you’re a pole dancer who is looking for inspiration for new tricks, combinations or floor movement. There are millions of perfectly posed pictures to view and a very rare few that show any imperfection. This can be off